Other Pouched Rat resources

Simon’s Rodents

This UK company breeds Pouched Rats and supplies pets to pet trade. They do not supply to the public. Ambaa and Babu, who were purchased through a a third party, Piedipers Ark, originally came from Simon's Rodents. Sadly Piedipers Ark is no longer trading.

Ecopetbed (Order line 01584 810717)

Chopped cardboard bedding for rats from Earthly Enterprises

This chopped cardboard bedding is a great bedding for rats. It has none of the health risks associated with pine based products. It costs about £22 for a large bale which lasts five or six weeks.

Livefoods direct

Live mealworms for Pouched Rats.

This site supplies the live mealworms that form part of my Pouched Rats diet.

The Kamusi Project

This US site isn't about Pouched Rats but it does have an English/Swahili - Swahili/English dictionary which I used when looking for names for my rats.

If you use this site please consider a donation to its upkeep.

Bush meat (download RTF 59KB)

Farming Pouched Rats

I got this information about how to farm Pouched Rats for meat from a French site. It includes some useful facts about breeding and growth rates. It was in French but I've had an English translation done (thanks Dad).