African Pouched Rat resources

Here’s a round up to all the best Pouched Rat information as well as a collection of other online resources which enthusiasts may find of interest.

One of the most valuable sources of information for keepers or indeed anyone interested in Pouched Rats are the online forums. The most active and authoritative ones are listed in the UK sites page.

A Google search will find lots of Pouched Rat related information from web sites across the world. A few of the most interesting and significant ones are listed on the Rest of the world page.

The increasing popularity of Pouched Rats in the UK has lead to the publication of a book for potential owners. Go to the books page to read a review of this book and any others which are published in the future.

Other general resources from bedding to finding names for Pouched Rats are grouped on the Other resources page.


This site is always interested to receive details of any other UK based Pouched Rat websites or resourses.
