31 October
2004 |
Kali was very energetic during her playtime tonight. I was playing
with her by rolling her furry ball at her. She chased it, pounched
on it, rolled over with it and tried to kill it by biting
into it. She was getting more and more excited as the game went
on and she became very aggressive firstly with the ball and
then with me! Twice when she pounced at the ball she missed it and
went crashing into me. The first time she collided with my knee
and gave me a very powerful bite, luckily my jeans saved me any
real damage. The second time she bit my arm, again my clothes saved
me. I distracted her with some food after that to calm her down.
She remained active all the time she was out and, although she was
still working hard with her breathing, she seemed much better in
Despite the bites I was very pleased to see her so active. She
was obviously having a very good time and it was a shame to stop
29 October
2004 |
I went to see the vet today about Kalis test results. Unfortunatly
the vet had problems with both the x-rays and the blood tests. They
took the x-rays with a different exposure to the one which were
used last year. This means that it is diffult to see if there have
been any changes between this years x-ray and last years. The x-ray
didnt show anything serious such as any lumps or growths but
the vet thought that, even allowing for the different exposures,
the lungs looked more opaque than they did last year. The vet wasnt
able to do a full analysis on the blood because it congealed before
they could be done. There was nothing conclusive in the results
that they were able to get. So we still dont know whats
causing Kali symptoms.
There isnt much else to do except wait and see how she gets
on. The vet suggested that she continues to be given the anti-biotic
and the steriod and he wants to see her again in a month to check
on her progress.
25 October
2004 |
Kalis been into the vets today for x-rays and a blood test.
She hasnt responded to her latest course of treatments and
her breathing wasnt improving. She had to be put out to have
the x-rays and blood samples taken so I had a very anxious few hours
this morning waiting for the vets to call. She went in at nine and
I picked her up at about one this afternoon. Shes still a
bit dopy and rather disorientated but she is back in her house now.
Were going back to the vets tomorrow evening to see what the
x-rays and blood tests can tell us about what is wrong with her.
24 October
2004 |
Kali came out for a run last night and was more active than she
had been for a while. She was still having difficulty breathing
but she seemed better in herself and was active for much of the
time she was out. She even did a few little jumps and runs up and
down the landing which she does when shes having a good time.
She also had a brief playfight with the tassles of a rug while she
was exploring. Her poos have been OK for the last couple of days.
Shes only going once a day rather than her more usual habit
of twice a day but shes also eating less so that may account
for it.
15 October
2004 |
Kali has bitten me! It was while I was trying to get her to take
her medicines this morning. I had mixed them with a number of different
foods to see if I could temp her to take some but she turned her
nose up at them all. As I was holding her bowl up for her and encouraging
her to eat something she started sniffing around inside the bowl.
When she got near the edge of the bowl she suddenly noticed my finger
and bit at it. The bite isnt very deep but her teeth cut right
though my nail and into my finger.
14 October
2004 |
We are now concerned about Kalis breathing. She is still
suffering from abdominal pain and soft poos but her breathing is
now quite laboured. The vet gave her the all clear on the second
poo sample so at least shes free of worms.
Kalis on a new range of medications to help her breathing
including a different anti-biotic. The vet listened to her chest
and said that her lungs were quite noisy. He suggested putting her
out so she could be x-rayed and have a blood sample taken but I
decided to give the new medication a chance before subjecting her
to more drastic treatment.
Kali hates the new medicines. She refuses to eat any food which
has them mixed in. Im having to be very strict with her. I
do not give her any alternative food until shes eaten the
food with the medicine in. This means that shes eating less
than normal and she is hungry most of the time. She was so hungry
this morning that she was fighting to get out of her cage before
Her breathing hasnt got any worse but it hasnt got
any better either. One positive sign is that Kali is more active
and seem to feel better in herself but I dont know if this
is because shes improving or because she hungry most of the
6 October
2004 |
Kalis having a particularly rough time at the moment because
the vet has asked me to starve her for 24 hours to give her digestion
a rest. Last night I cleaned her house out and removed the stash
of food she keeps under her nest. This morning she wasnt allowed
any breakfast. She made quite a fuss about it and shouted
at me with very angry squeaks. I dread to think what shell
be like tonight when she realises that she isnt allowed any
4 October
2004 |
Kalis been back to the vets twice recently and she isnt
getting any better. The poo analysis showed worms so shes
been on a course of worming medicine as well as the steroid and
the antibiotic. Kali finished the course at the weekend but it doesnt
seem to have helped at all. The vet is analysing another poo sample
to check that the medicine has worked.
Kalis symptoms suggest that she is suffering from a digestive
problem. She has a very uncomfortable abdomen and shes passing
soft (and smelly poos) which could be caused by worms. Over the
last couple of days Ive started to wonder if these are stress
reactions caused by some another problem. Last year when she was
suffering from zinc poisoning she also developed stomach pains and
soft poos. Ive been checking her very carefully to see if
she is displaying any other symptoms and Im beginning to get
worried about her breathing. It is more pronounced than usual seems
to require more effort.