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African Pouched RatKali aged 6 weeks
Kali's vital statistics
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Species: African Pouched Rat (Cricetomys gambianus)



22 February

Because there has been no improvement in Kali’s condition since early January I’ve decided to try her on different food. She was having a fruity parrot mix and now this has run out I’ve changed it to a chipmunk mix. I’ll try it for about a week and see if it makes any difference.

I know that the vitamin suplements are making a difference. Kali refused to take them for a couple of days, no matter what I mixed them, and her symptoms became worse. She produced more soft and sticky poos and the foot twitching was more apparent. Her foot twitching has never completely gone away and she has been passing a few very soft poos every day since October.

We have another vets appointment booked for a few days time and I had hoped that Kali would be showing definite signs of improvement before now. I don’t think we’ve got to the bottom of Kali’s problem yet.

9 February

Kali’s foot twitching has almost gone now however she is still very withdrawn and having bouts of discomfort.

When I get her out for her playtime she usually spends the first 20 minutes sitting hunched up. She only starts to move about when she needs to use her potty. After using the potty she becomes more active and tracks down the treats I’ve left out for her. She doesn’t usually find them all because she gets side tracked by wanting her bottom scratched and tickled. She waits until I’m sitting on the floor then she’ll come towards me and settles down in front of me and sit very still. That is my cue to start scratching her rump. She never seems to get tired of it and she’ll sit enjoying it for ten minutes or more.

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