Because the rat’s
room had so many places for them to hide I’ve stopped letting
them out in there. I am now letting them run in the hall, stairs
and landing where Kali used to run. They were very wary at first
but they are starting to get used to it. They have explored the
hall but haven’t yet gone up the stairs or explored the landing.
I hope as they get bolder they will discover upstairs.
Babu, being the bolder of the pair, was the first to explore the
hall. He quickly found the treats I had left around for him but
he didn’t climb onto the chair or investigate the toys I had
left on the floor for them. I hope they will both use these as they
get used to this new area.
Catching them was a bit easier because there isn’t anything
for them to hide in except their carry case. I had to catch them
one at a time in the carry case because If I’d waited for
the second rat to get the idea then the first one would have got
bored and run out again. Babu was the easier of the pair to coax
into the carry case but Ambaa got the idea too and I was able to
get her back into their house without too much fuss. She was much
calmer than when I was trying to get her out from under the sofa
which was better for both of us.