Ambaa becoming top ratSince Ambaa and Jaali have been having playtime together Ambaa has become much more active. Ambaa used to be very cautious and wouldn’t start exploring for several minutes. Then at the smallest sound or movement she would run into a corner and hide. Having Jaali in the same room has made her much bolder. She trots off as soon as she is let out. She is into everything she can find and jumping onto the furniture. Unfortunately she chases Jaali. He tries to keep out of her way as he is still scared of her. He usually manages to get out of her way by but as soon as she picks up his scent again she runs after him. She is also getting more used to being handled and is less cautious around people. She is now carried from her house to the rats' playroom. She doesn’t mind being close to people, as long as they stay completely still, and she climbed onto me when she was pursuing Jaali. Jaali doesn’t think much of Ambaa’s new found confidence. He was happier when she stayed in her corner and didn’t move about much.